Executive Directors and Management

葉嘉威先生為本集團的創辦人 ,亦為本集團的執行董事、董事會主席及行政總裁。

Mr. Ip is responsible for the overall strategic development, major business decisions, and management of the Group. He has over 15 years of experience in the information technology services industry. Before joining the Group, he gained experience in customer account management and business development by working as an account manager, assistant sales manager, and sales manager in various companies specializing in the provision of the network, security, and accounting solutions.
Mr. Ip obtained a Bachelor of Commerce (Business Administration) degree from RMIT University in September 2006 and a Master of Business Administration degree from Hong Kong Baptist University in November 2010.


會成員、 九龍東區扶輪社有限公司董事 、中國星火基金會名譽會長及 屯門獅子會成員。


Mr. Chan is also a director of Multisoft Limited. He has over 18 years of experience in the information technology industry. Before joining the Group, he worked as an account manager in various companies engaged in the provision of network, security, and information technology solutions, from which he accumulated experience in monitoring account management and developing business opportunities. Mr. Chan obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Computing degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in December 2005.

譚耀康先生,於二零零七年四月十六日加入本集團擔任 高級系統工程師,於二零零 八年 五月 一日獲擢升為 技術顧問,隨後於二零一二年四月一日獲擢升為技術經理,並於二零一五年四月一日獲進一步擢升為高級技術經理(其當前職位)。譚先生主要負責監察 我們系統整合解決方案業務的售前及售後支援、項目管理及培訓。
Mr. Tam was awarded a post graduate diploma in Strategic Business Information Technology by NCC Education in April 2005.

朱國安先生(「朱先生」), 54歲,於二零二零年九月十四日加入本集團擔任首席財務總








Mr. Chen has approximately 20 years of experience in sales and marketing in the information technology market.
